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I was recently talking to one of our members and one of the things we talked about was her ‘inner demon’. Not sure if that is the appropriate term or not – but whatever it is. This is the voice in your head telling you to pick up that bar when you aren’t 100% sure you’ll get it off the ground. Or to jump on the bar even if you not sure you’re going to get your chin high enough.

I found this conversation somewhat funny because just A few days back I received this email from one of our members. Everybody probably has a method to their madness…This is Jim’s.

When you are doing a tough MetCon WOD, who runs the show, your body or your brain? For example, you are halfway through your squats on the 18th round of Cindy and your legs are SCREAMING to your brain that they need a rest. Does your brain obey the commands of the legs? Or does your brain yell back, “SHUT THE @#*%-UP LEGS! I AM IN CHARGE HERE! I will tell YOU when you need a break, NOT the other way around!”

We have to realize that the screaming legs, loud mouth shoulders, and all other whining body parts that try to goat the brain into a rest are just ignorant lumps of muscle fibers that tend to greatly underestimate their own capacity. Think about all the times when your complaining body had just about convinced your brain that you can’t possibly do any more. Then something snaps you out of it, like JD yelling, “you only have eight OHSs left, just pound them out straight through” or “for the first time ever, you might have the chance to beat Carey in a WOD – hurry up!” Then instead of stopping, you actually find yourself speeding up! Your screaming body parts were wrong again.

So next time you are about to start a tough workout, why not have a little talk with the “Usual Suspect” body parts first. Make sure they know that your brain is in charge, and that they should keep their whiney comments to themselves.

Thanks Jim!